NBRP ナショナルバイオリソース ニワトリ・ウズラ


Avian Bioscience Research Center
Nagoya Univ. Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences

Chicken strains and lines Quail lines
Ancestral speciesInbred strainsLong-term closed coloniesClosed coloniesDisease modelsDeveloping colonies Long-term closed colonies

Long-term closed colonies


BL-E (Brown Leghorn breed)

Introduced from Edinburgh Poultry Research Center, UK (1960)
This line is the oldest closed colony in Nagoya Univ. (over 40 years) and its inbreeding level is high. The result of survey for 39 microsatellite markers was that 5 loci were segregated and 34 were fixed.
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WL-G (White Leghorn breed)

Established at Faculty of Agriculture, Nagoya Univ. (1969)
This line is the oldest closed colony that is established in Nagoya Univ. (over 40 years). Its MHC haplotype is fixed to B12 and skin graft within a line is acceptable. 2', 5'-oligoadenylic acid synthetase was fixed to A/A type. The repeat number in region of dopamine receptor (D4exon I) was fixed to a long type (9/9). The result of survey for 40 microsatellite markers was that 18 loci were segregated and 22 were fixed.
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RIR-Y8/NU (Rhode Island Red breed)

Introduced from Okazaki farm, National Livestock Breeding Center (around 1980)
This line is a dual purpose breed for egg and meet. Its MHC haplotype seems to be fixed to B12 but some chickens were rejected for skin graft within a line. The result of survey for 40 microsatellite markers was that 30 loci were segregated and 10 were fixed.
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