
Guide for Other Dept. Members

Guide for Printingpdf


Library Cards

StudentID   Libcard


Call Number

Bldg.B Stack

Materials in Laboratories

Circulation Services

Call No.OPAC LocationTypes of MaterialsLocationLoan LimitsLoan Periods
brown labelAgr Lib Books for StudentsBooks for StudentsReading Room2 items7 days
Audio-visual MaterialsBrowsing Room2 items
green/red labelAgr Lib Books in StackBooks in StackJapaneseStack Room 1F3 items
Non-JapaneseStack Room 2F
Agr Lib Collection *Books in StackJapanese
Bldg.B Stack
-Agr Lib JournalsBound JournalsJapaneseBldg.B Stack
1 item2 days
Browsing Room
Non-JapaneseStack Room 1F / 2F
Unbound JournalsReading Room
Browsing Room
1 item

* If the material that you would like to copy is not good state, you only browse.

Non-circulating materials

Temporary Loans



Returning Materials

Self-Service Photocopying

Library Catalogs

OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog)

Electronic Journals

Information Retrieval

※ Warning for using NUWNET ※
Bioagricultural Library assumes no responsibility for your devices is infected with viruses or data loss. We recommend that you install antivirus software and backup of the data.

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