- 堀田 裕貴, 田中 隆文, 小谷 亜由美(2022) タンクモデルパラメータ値によるわが国寡雪地域の流域条件と長期流出特性の関係. 日本水文科学会誌 52, 1-22.
- Kotani A, Nagai S, Tei S, Makarov A, Gavrilyeva T (2021) Seasonality in Human Interest in Berry Plants Detection by Google Trends. Frontiers in Forest Global Change 4, 688835.
- Tei S, Kotani A, Sugimoto A, Nagai S(2021) Geographical, Climatological, and Biological Characteristics of Tree Radial Growth Response to Autumn Climate Change. Frontiers in Forest Global Change 4, 687749.
- Hiyama T, Ueyama M, Kotani A, Iwata H, Nakai T, Okamura M, Ohta T, Harazono Y, Petrov RE, Maximov TC (2020) Lessons learned from more than a decade of greenhouse gas flux measurements at boreal forests in eastern Siberia and interior Alaska. Polar Science.
- Wang L, Kotani A, Tanaka T, Ohta T(2020) Application of Improved Remotely Sensed Drought Severity Index Based on Soil Moisture Product in Inner Mongolia. Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere.
- Wang L, Kotani A, Tanaka T, Ohta T(2020) Assessment of drought condition using remotely sensed drought severity index and its correlations with soil moisture product in Inner Mongolia. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 141, 715?728.
- Nakai T, Hiyama T, Petorov R, Kotani A, Ohta A, Maximov T (2020) Application of an open-path eddy covariance methane flux measurement system to a larch forest in eastern Siberia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 282-283:107860.
- Nagai S, Kotani A, Morozumi T, Kononov AV, Petrov RE, Shakhmatov R, Ohta A, Sugimoto A, Maximov T, Suzuki R, Tei S (2020) Detection of year-to-year spring and autumn bio-meteorological variations in siberian ecosystems. Polar Science.
- Nagai S, Kotani A, Sato T, Sugimoto A, Maximov T, Nogovitcyn A, Miyamoto Y, Kobayashi H, Tei S (2020) Direct measurement of leaf area index in a deciduous needle-leaf forest, eastern Siberia. Polar Science.
- 田中隆文・土屋 智・湯川典子・古田 清・中澤耕司(2019)2018年(平成30)7月の長雨により岐阜県郡上市で発生した山腹崩壊と崩土の流出,砂防学会誌71(5),38-42
- Kotani A, Saito A, Kononov AV, Petrov RE, Maximov TC, Iijima Y, Ohta T(2019) Impact of unusually wet permafrost soil on understory vegetation and CO2 exchange in a larch forest in eastern Siberia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 265, 295-309.
- Tei S, Sugimoto A, Kotani A, Ohta A, Morozumi T, Saito S, Hashiguchi S, Maximov T (2019) Strong and stable relationships between tree-ring parameters and forest-level carbon fluxes in a Siberian larch forest. Polar Science 21.
- Tei S, Sugimoto A, H Yonenobu, Kotani A, Maximov T (2019) Effects of extreme drought and wet events for tree mortality: Insights from tree‐ring width and carbon isotope ratio in a Siberian larch forest. Ecohydrology 12(8).
- 田中隆文,熊谷冴矢子,大津悠暉,西田結也(2018) ボトムアップ的発言を醸し出す場の条件の検討(1) -住民の意見や気づきを河川・防災に活かすために- 水利科学誌 359,52-75
- 田中隆文(2018) 災害展示の際に考慮すべき災害の特質と近代科学の限界 -展示学・災害科学・科学技術社会論に基づく総合考察- 日本展示学会誌 55, 30-39
- Nagai S et al., (Ohta as 32th) (2018) 8 million phenological and sky images feom 29 ecosystems from the Arctic to the tropics: the Phenological Eyes Network. Ecological Research, 33, 1091-1092.
- 田中隆文,大津悠暉,西田結也,佐保田哲平(2017) 相模原市のおける災害脆弱性の継承と地区防災計画の策定 地区防災計画学会誌 10,38-69
- Kotani A, Hiyama T, Ohta T, Hanamura M, Kambatuku JR, Awala SK, Iijima M (2017) Impact of rice cultivation on evapotranspiration in small seasonal wetlands of north-central Namibia. Hydrological Research Letters, 11, 134-140.
- Takata et al (Kotani as 3rd, Ohta as 10th in 29 authora) (2017) Reconciliation of top-down and bottom-up CO2 fluxes in Siberian larch forest. Environmental Research Letters, 12, 125012
- Hiyama T et al (Kotani A as 4th in 8 authors) (2017) Analysing the origin of rain- and subsurface water in seasonal wetlands of north-central Namibia. Environmental Research Letters, 12, 3
- Mizuuchi H, Hiyama T, Ohta T, Fujioka Y, Kambatuku JR, Lijima M, Nasahara K (2017) Development and evaluation of a lookup-table-based approach to data fusion for seasonal wetlands monitoring: An integrated use of AMSR series, MODIS, and Landsat. Remote Sensing of Environment, 199, 370-380.
- Ichii K et al (Kotani as 23th, Ohta as 29th) (2017) New data-driven estimation of terrestrial CO2 fluxes in Asia using a standardized database of eddy covariance measurements, remote sensing data, and support vector regression: Data driven CO2 Fluxes in Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122, 727-795.
- Sato H, Kobayashi H, Iwahana Go, Ohta T(2016) Endurance of larch forest ecosystems in eastern Siberia under warming trends. Ecology and Evolution, doi;10:1002/ece3.2285
- 飯田真一・太田岳史・松本一穂・中井太郎・Alexander V. KONONOV・Trofim C. MAXIMOV・Michiel K. VAN DER MOLEN・Albertus J. DOLMAN・矢吹裕伯 (2016) 東シベリアカラマツ林における下層植生と全生態系からの蒸発散量の年々差 日本水文科学会誌.45,109-121
- Sueyoshi T, Saito K, Miyazaki S, Mori J, Ise T, Arakida H, Suzuki R, Sato A, Iijima Y, Yabuki H, Ikawa H, Ohta T, Kotani A, Hajima T, Sato H, Yamazami T, Sugimoto A(2016) The GRENE-TEA Model Intercomparison Project (GTMIP) stage 1 forcing dataset. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 1-14
- 田中隆文(2016) 合併後の地域防災計画に反映されなかった自然・社会的条件と災害履歴・想定 地区防災計画学会誌.6,18-20
- Xue BL, Guo Q, Gong Y, Hu T, Liu J, Ohta T(2016) The influence of meteorology and phenology on net ecosystem exchange in an eastern Siberia boreal larch forest. J. Plant Eco. 9, 1-11. doi:10.1093/jpe/rtv075
- van der Molen MK et al (Ohta as 10th, Kotani as 11th author) (2016) The effect of assimilating satellite-derived soil moisture data in SiBCASA on simulated carbon fluxes in Boreal Eurasia. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci, 20, 605-624. Doi:10.5194/hess-20-605-2016
- Urakawa, R. et al. (Kotani A as 24th author)(2016) Factors contributing to soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification rates of forest soils in the Japanese archipelago. Forest Ecology and Management,361, 382-396
- Ghanman, K. et al. (Kotani A as 5th author)(2016) Persistence and memory timescales in root-zone soil moisture dynamics. Water Resources Research,52, 1427-1455
- Takenaka C, Miyahara M, Ohta T, Maximov TC (2016) Response of larch root development to annual changes of water condition in eastern Siberia. Polar Science.20,160-166
- 水落裕樹,檜山哲哉,金森大成,太田岳史,藤岡悠一郞,飯嶋盛雄,奈佐原顕郎 (2016) 長期衛星観測データとUAV地形測量を組み合わせた半乾 燥地の季節湿地における貯水量モニタリング. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌.36,81-92
- Miyazaki S et al. (Kotani A as 15th, Ohta T as 30th author) (2015) The GRENE-TEA model intercomparison project (GTMIP): overview and experiment protocol for Stage 1. Geoscientific Model Development 8, 2841-2856. DOI:10.5194/gmd-8-2841-2015
- Sueyoshi T, Saito K, Miyazaki S, Mori J, Ise T, Arakida H, Suzuki R, Sato A, Iijima Y, Yabuki H, Ikawa H, Ohta T, Kotani A, Hajima T, Sato H, Yamazami T, Sugimoto A(2015) The GRENE-TEA Model Intercomparison Project (GTMIP) stage 1 forcing dataset. Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss., 8, 703-736. Doi:10.5194/essdd-8-703-2015
- Takagi K, Hirata R, Ide R, Ueyama M, Ichii K, Sigusa N, Hirano T, Asanuma J, Li S-G, Machimura T, Nakai Y, Ohta T, Takahashi Y (2015) Spatial and seasonal variation of CO2 flux and photosynthetic and respiratory parameter of larch forests in East Asia. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 61, 61-75.
- Xue BL. Li Z, Yin XA, Zhang T, Iida S, Otsuki K, Ohta T, Guo Q(2015) Canopy conductance in a two-storey Siberian boreal larch forest, Russia. Hydrological Processes, 29, 1017-1026. DOI: 10,1002/hyd.10213
- Kasurinen V et al. (Ohta T as 15th author) (2014) Latent heat exchange in the boreal and arctic biomes. Global Change Biology, 20, 3439-3456.
- Nakai T, Katul GG, Kotani A, Igarashi Y, Ohta T, Suzuki M, Kumagai T. (2014) Radiative and precipitation controls on root zone soil moisture spectra. Geophy. Res. Lett., 41, 7546-7554.
- Mizuochi H, Hiyama T, Ohta T, Nasahara KN. (2014) Evaluation of the surface water distribution in North-Central Namibia on MODIS and AMSR series. Remote Sensing, 6, 7660-7682.
- Hiyama T, Suzuki T, Hanamura M, Mizouchi H, Kambatuku JR, Niipele JN, Fujioka Y, Ohta T, Iijima M. (2014) Evaluation of surface water dynamics for water-food security in seasonal wetland, north-central Namibia. IAHS Publication, 364, 380-385.
- Tei S, Sugimoto A, Yonenobu H, Ohta T, Maximov TC. (2014) Growth and physiological responses of larch trees to climate changes deduced from tree-ring widths and δ13C at two forest sites in eastern Siberia. Polar Science. 8, 183-195.
- HAwal A, Ohta T. (2014) Energy, water, and carbon dioxide fluxes in broadleaved deciduous and evergreen mixed forests in temperate Japan. Science Postprint. E00027, doi;10.14340/spp.2014.08A0001
- Yuan W, Liu S, Dong W, Liang S, Zhao S, Chen J, Xu W, Li X, Barr A, Black TA, Yan W, Goulden AL, Kulmala L, Lindroth A, Margolis HA, Matsuura Y, Moors E, van der Molen M, Ohta T, Pilegaard K, Varlagin A, Vesala T. (2014) Differentiating moss from higher plants is critical in studying the carbon cycle of the boreal Biome. Nature Communication 5, 4270, doi:10.1038/ncomms5270
- Suzuki T, Ohta T, Hiyama T, Izumi Y, Mwandemele O, Iijima M. (2014) Effects of the introduction of rice on evapotranspiration in seasonal wetland. Hydrological Processes. 28, 4780-4794, DOI:10.1002/hyp.9970.
- Hong, J., Takagi, K., Ohta, T., Kodama, Y. (2014) Wet surface resistance of forest canopy in monsoon Asia: Implications for eddy-covariance measurement of evapotranspiration. Hydrological Precesses, 28, 37-42.
- Ohta, T., Kotani, A., Iijima, Y., Maximov, T., Ito, S., Hanamura, M., Kononov, A., Maximov, A. (2014) Effects of waterlogging on water and carbon dioxide fluxes and environmental variables in a Siberian larch forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 188, 64-75.
- Li X., Liang S, Yuan W, Yu G, Cheng X, Chen Y, Zhao T, Feng J, Ma Z, Ma M, Liu S, Chen J, Shao C, Li S, Zhang X, Zhang Z, Sun G, Chen S, Ohta T, Varlagin A, Miyata A, Takagi K, Saiqusa N, Kato T(2014) Estimation of evapotranspiration over the terrestrial ecosystems in China. Ecohydrology, 7, 139-149.
- Iijima, Y., Ohta, T., Kotani, A., Fedorov, A., Kodama, Y., Maximov, T. (2014) Sap flow changes in relation to permafrost degradation under increasing precipitation in an eastern Siberian larch forest. Ecohydrology, 7, 177-187.
- Kotani, A., Kononov, A., Ohta, T., Maximov, T. (2014) Temporal variations in the linkage between the net ecosystem exchange of water vapour and CO2 over boreal forests in eastern Siberia. Ecohydrology, 7, 209-225.
- Zhang, M., Lee, X., Yu, G., Han, S., Wang, S., Yan, J., Zhang,,Y., Li, Y., Ohta, T., Hirano, T. (2014) Response of surface air temperature to small-scale land clearing across latitudes. Environ. Res. Lett., 9, 034002.
- Hamada, S., Tanaka, T., Ohta, T. (2013) Impacts of land use and topography on the cooling effect of green areas on surrounding urban area. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 12, 426-434.
- Hiyama T, Ohta T, Sugimoto A, Yamazaki T, Oshima K, Yonenobu H, Yamamoto K, Kotani A, Park H, Kodama Y, Hatta S, Fedorov AN, Maximov TC. (2013) Changes in eco-hydrological systems under recent climate change in eastern Siberia. IAHS Publ., 360, 155-160.
- Nakai, T., Kim, Y., Busey, R.C., Suzuki, R., Nagai, S., Kobayashi, H., Park, H., Sugiura, K., Ito, A.(2013) Characteristics of evapotranspiration from a permafrost black spruce forest in interior Alaska. Polar Sci., 7, 136-148.
- Park, H., Walsh, J.E., Kim, Y.,Nakai, T., Ohata, T. (2013) The role of declining Arctic sea ice in recent decreasing terrestrial Arctic snow depths. Polar Sci., 7, 174-187.
- Nagai, S.,Nakai, T., Saitoh, T.M., Busey, R.C., Kobayashi, H.,Suzuki, R., Muraoka, H., Kim, Y. (2013) Seasonal changes in camera-based indices from an open canopy black spruce forest in Alaska, and comparison with indices from a closed canopy evergreen coniferous forest in Japan. Polar Sci., 7, 125-135.
- Sugiura, K., Nagai, S.,Nakai, T., Suzuki, R. (2013) Application of time-lapse digital imagery for ground-truth verification of satellite indices in the boreal forests of Alaska. Polar Sci., 7, 149-161.
- Yamazaki T, Kato K, Ito T, Nakai T, Matsumoto K, Miki N, Park H, Ohta T (2013) A common stomatal parameter set used to simulate the energy and water balance over boreal and temperate forests. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 91, 273-285.
- Li X, Liang S, Yu G, Yuan W, Cheng X, Xia J, Zhao T, Feng J, Ma Z, Ma M, Liu S, Chen J, Shao C, Li S, Zhang X, Zhang Z, Chen S, Ohta T, Varlagin A, Miyata A, Takagi K, Saigusa N, Kato T (2013) Estimation of gross primary production over the terrestrial ecosystems in Chine. Ecological Modelling, 261-262, 80-92.
- 糸数 哲,小杉賢一朗,恩田裕一,蔵治光一郎,田中延亮,後藤太成,太田岳史,水山高久(2013) 通常降雨イベントにより同定されたタンクモデルを用いた豪雨イベントの再現精度. 水文・水資源学会誌, 26, 85-98.
- Yoshida R, Sawada M, Yamazaki T, Ohta T, Hiyama T (2013) Influence of Land Cover Change on Regional Water Cycles in Eastern Siberia. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 52, 484-497. DOI:
- Suzuki T, Ohta T, Izumi Y, Kanyomeka L, Mwandemele O, Sakagami J, Yamane K, Iijima M (2013) Role of Canopy Coverage in Water Use Efficiency of Lowland Rice in Early Growth Period in Semi-Arid Region. Plant Production Science, 16, 12-23.
- Saigusa N, Li S-G, Kwon H, Takagi K,Zhang L-M, Ide R, Ueyama M, Asanuma J, Choi Y- J, Chun JH, Han S-J, Hirano T, Hirata R, Kang M, Kato T, Kim J, Li Y-N, Maeda T, Miyata A, Mizoguchi Y, Murayama S, Nakai Y, Ohta T, Saitoh TM, Wang H-M, Yu G-R, Zhang Y-P, Zhao F-H (2013) Dataset of CarboEastAsia and uncertainties in the CO2 budget evaluation caused by different data processing. Journal of Forest Research. DOI: 10.1007/s10310-012-0378-6
- Ichii K, Kondo M, Lee Y H, Wang S O, Kim J, Ueyama M, Lim H J, Shi H, Suzuki T, Ito A, Kwon H, Ju W, Huang M, Sasai T, Asanuma J, Han S, Hirano T, Hirata T, Kato T, Li S G, Li Y N, Maeda T, Miyata A, Matsuura Y, Murayama S, Nakai Y, Ohta T, Saitoh T M, Saigusa N, Takagi K, Tang Y H, Wang H M, Yu G R, Zhang Y P, o Zhao F H (2013) Site-level model-data synthesis of terrestrial carbon ?uxes in the CarboEastAsia eddy-covariance observation network: toward future modeling efforts. Journal of Forest Research. DOI: 10.1007/s10310-012-0367-9
- Lopez L, Hatano R, Guggenberger G, Ohta T, Gerasimov E, Fedorov A (2012) Forest fires effects on carbon stocks and soil chemistry in central Yakutia, eastern Siberia. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research, 15-1, 9-17
- Xue BL, Komatsu H, Kumagai T, Kotani A, Otsuki K, Ohta T (2012) Interannual variation of evapotranspiration in an eastern Siberian larch forest. Hydrological Processes 26. 2360-2368. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9195
- 田中隆文(2012) 森林についての典型例と個別事例の表現と博物館展示. 日本展示学会誌50, 90-97.
- Miyahara M. Tanenaka C, Tomioka R, Ohta T (2011) Root responses of Siberian larch to different soil water conditions. Hydorological Rearch Letters, 5, 93-97.
- Khatun R, Ohta T, Kotani A, Asanuma J, Gamo M, Han S, Hirano T, Nakai Y, Saigusa N, Takagi K, Wang H, Yoshifuji N (2011) Spatial variations in evapotranspiration over East Asian forest sites. I. Evapotranspiration and decoupling coefficient. Hydorological Rearch Letters, 5, 83-87.
- Khatun R, Ohta T, Kotani A, Asanuma J, Gamo M, Han S, Hirano T, Nakai Y, Saigusa N, Takagi K, Wang H, Yoshifuji N (2011) Spatial variations in evapotranspiration over East Asian forest sites. II. Surface conductance and aerodynamic conductance. Hydorological Rearch Letters, 5, 88-92.
- Park H, Iijima Y, Yabuki H, Ohta T, Walsh J, Kodama Y, Ohata T (2011) The application of a coupled hydrological and biogeochemical model (CHANGE) for modeling of energy, water, and CO2 exchanges over a larch forest in eastern Siberia. Journal of Geophesical Research, 116, DOI: 10.1029/2010JD015386
- Sasai T, Saigusa N, Nasahara KN, Ito A, Hashimota H, Nemani R, Hirata R,Ichii K, Takagi K, Saitoh TM, Ohta T, Murakami K, Oikawa T, Yamagichi Y (2011) Satellite-driven estimation of terrestrial carbon flux over Far East Asia with 1-km grid resolution. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115, 1758-1771.
- Xue BL, Kumagai T, Iida S, Nakai T, Matsumoto K, Komatsu H, Otsuki K, Ohta T (2011) Influences of canopy structure and physiological traits on flux partitioning between understory and overstory in an eastern Siberian boreal larch forest. Ecological Modeling, 222, 1479-1490.
- Zhang N, Yasunari T, Ohta T (2011) Dynamics of the larcht taiga – permafrost coupled system in Siberia under climate change. Environmental Reseach Letters, 6, 024003.
- Suzuki K, Kodama Y, Nakai T, Liston GH, Yamatomo K, Ohata T, Ishii Y,Sumida A, Hara T, Ohta, T (2011) Impact of land-use changes on snow in a forested region with heavy snowfall in Hokkaido, Japan. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 56, 443-467.
- van der Molen MK, Dolman AJ, Ciais P, Eglin T, Gobron N, Law BE, Meir P, Peters W, Phillips OL, Reichstein M, Chen T, Dekker SC, Doubkov M, Friedl MA, Jung M, van den Hurk BJJM, de Jeu RAM, Kruijt B, Ohta T, Rebel KT, Plummer S, Seneviratne SI, Sitch S, Teuling AJ, van der Werf GR, Wang G (2011) Drought and ecosystem carbon cycle. Agricultural Forest and Meteorology, 151, 765-773.
- 鈴木賢哉,田中隆文 (2010) 量水観測試験における植生タイプ以外の要因を含む多変量解析による影響評価. 水文・水資源学会誌, 23, 312-322.
- 田中隆文, 木村正信, 近藤観慈, 岡本 敦 (2010) 木曽川水系中津川流域406年間の災害発生と土砂動態. Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering, 63(1), 3-13.
- 田中隆文 (2010) 安易な森林情報と必要な森林情報―「交わりの森林情報」から「結びの森林情報」への転換,鍵は情報の自律的信頼評価―. 大日本山林会会誌「山林」, 1513, 48-57.
- 田中隆文 (2010) 森林水源涵養機能論は舶来だったのか? 水利科学, 54(1), 33-62.
- 田中隆文 (2010) 森林水源涵養機能論は舶来だったのか? (II). 水利科学, 54(2), 37-70.
- Hamada, S. and Ohta, T. (2010) Seasonal variations in the cooling effect of urban green areas on surrounding urban areas. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 9, 15-24.
- Saigusa, N., Ichii, K., Murakami, H., Hirata, R., Asanuma, J., Den, H., Han,S.-J., Ide, R., Li, S.-G., Ohta, T., Sasai, T., Wang, S.-Q., Yu, G.-R. (2010) Impact of Meteorological Anomalies in the 2003 Summer on Gross Primary Productivity in East Asia. Biogeosciences. 7, 641-655.
- Nakai, T., Sumida, A., Kodama, Y., Hara, T. and Ohta, T. (2010) A comparison between various definitions of forest stand height and aerodynamic canopy height. Agricultural Forest and Meteorology, 150, 1225-1233.
- Ueyama, M., Ichii, K., Hirata, R., Takagi, K., Asanuma, J., Machimura, T., Nakai, Y., Ohta, T., Saigusa, N., Takahashi, Y., and Hirano, T. (2010) Similating carbon and water cycles of larch forests in East Asia by the BIOME-BGC model with AsiaFlux data. Biogeosciences 7, 959-977.
- Nakanura, T., Abe, O., Hashimoto, R., and Ohta, T. (2010) A dynamic method to measure the shear strength of snow. J Glaciology 56, 333-338.
- Awal, M.A., Ohta, T., Matsumoto, K., Toba, T., Daikoku, K., Hattori, S., Hiyama, T., and Peak, H. (2010) Comparing of carbon sequestration capacity of temperrate deciduous forests between urban and rural landscapes in central Japan. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 9, 261-270.
- Yoshida, M., Ohta, T., Kotani, A., and Maximov, T. (2010) Environmental factors controlling forest evapotranspiration and surface conductance on a multi-temporal scale in growing seasons of a Siberian larch forest. Journal of Hydrology 395, 180-189.
- 八田茂美,早川 博,朴 昊澤,山崎 剛,山本一清,太田岳史.(2009) 分布型水文モデルによるレナ川流域の長期流出解析.水文水資源学会誌,22, 177-187.
- Iida, S., Ohta, T., Matsumoto, K., Nakai, T., Kuwada, T., Kononov, A.V., Maximov, T.C., van der Molen, M.K., Dolman, A.J., Tanaka, H., Yabuki, H. (2009) Evapotranspiration from understory vegetation in an eastern Siberian boreal larch forest. Agric. For. Meteorol. 149, 1129-1139.
- Kotani, A. and Sugita, M. (2009) Concise formulae for the atmospheric correction of hemispherical thermal radiation measured near the ground surface. Water Resources Research, 45, W07413.
- Sugita, M., Kato, H., Kotani, A. and Toda, M. (2009) How universal is the C function in the bulk atmospheric boundary layer similarity approach for estimating surface sensible heat flux? Water Resources Research, 45, W07418.
- 田中隆文, 鈴木賢哉 (2008) 「Bosch & Hewlett 1982」再考.-針葉樹林・広葉樹林という二分論からの脱却-. 水利科学. 52-1, 46-68.
- Daikoku, K., Hattori, S., Deguchi, A., Aoki, Y., Miyashita, M., Matsumoto, M., Akiyama, J., Iida, S., Toba, T., Fujita, Y., Ohta, T. (2008) Influence of evaporation from the forest floor on evapotranspiration from the dry canopy. Hydrol. Processes. 22, 4083-4096.
- Maximov, T.C., Ohta, T., Dolman, A.J. (2008) Water and energy exchange in East Siberian forest: A synthesis. Agric. For. Meteorol., 140, 2013-2018.
- Park, H., Yamazaki, T., Yamamoto, K., Ohta, T. (2008) Tempo-spatial characteristics of energy budget and evapotranspiration in the eastern Siberia. Agric. For. Meteorol., 140, 1990-2005.
- Matsumoto, K., Ohta, T., Nakai, T., Kuwada, T., Daikoku, K., Iida, S., Yabuki, S., Kononov, A.V., van der Molen, M.K., Kodama, Y., Maximov, T.C., Dolman, A.J., Hattori, S. (2008) Energy consumption and evapotranspiration at several boreal and temperate forests in the Far East. Agric. For. Meteorol., 140, 1978-1989.
- Tanaka,H., Hiyama, T., Kobayashi, N., Yabuki, H., Ishii, Y., Desyatkin,R.V., Maximov, T.C., Ohta, T. (2008) Energy balance and its closure over a young larch forest in eastern Siberia. Agric. For. Meteorol., 140, 1954-1967.
- Ohta, T., Maximov, T.C., A. Dolman, A.J., Nakai, T., van der Molen, M.K., Kononov, A.V., Maximov, A.P., Hiyama, T., Iijima, Y., Moors, E.J., Tanaka, H., Toba, T., Yabuki, H. (2008) Interannual variation of water balance and summer evapotranspiration in an eastern Siberian larch forest over a 7-year period (1998-2006). Agric. For. Meteorol., 140, 1941-1953.
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