研究業績 本文へジャンプ


白武勝裕,中畝誠,塚澤和憲 「トマト果実糖度及び/又は耐ストレス性の向上に用いることができるトマト用台木」 特許 第7168931

白武勝裕,小田桃子,堀川あゆ美,牧野治子 「植物形質調節剤(花の寿命延長,花弁の形,花弁の緑色化を誘導する遺伝子)」 特許 第7074326

中道範人,上原貴大,山口潤一郎,松尾宏美,佐藤綾人,伊丹健一郎,木下俊則,白武勝裕,野田口理孝「花成時期を調節する化合物」 特願 2017-151824

野田口理孝,白武勝裕,黒谷賢一,田畑亮,川勝弥一,川口航平,深尾陽一朗,中林亮,花田耕介「接木改善剤」 特願 2019-052727

Katsuhiro Shiratake and Mirai Azuma “A petal-specific InMYB1 promoter from Japanese morning glory: a useful tool for molecular breeding of floricultural crops”
U.S. Patent. 095387-0016.

白武勝裕,森本玲奈,森田裕将,星野敦,飯田滋 「花弁特異的発現プロモーター」


Shiratake K. (2023) Genome-wide study and omis study on fruit developmental physiology. Agri-Bioscience Monographs. accepted. in press

野田口理孝, 白武勝裕(2022)気候変動に対応するための接ぎ木の活用.現代化学. 2023年4月号, 17-19.

川口航平,白武勝裕(2022)第3章 応用編 第2節 植物・農作物「トマト ~果実糖度の増強~」. ゲノム編集技術 ~実験上のポイント/産業利用に向けた研究開発動向と安全性周知.pp. 175-181 情報機構. 2023.1.23刊(書籍)

白武勝裕,財津桂財(2022)PESI/MS/MSの植物の代謝物分析への活用.細胞.54 (14): 841-843.

川口航平,白武勝裕(2022)果実サイズを減少させずにトマトの果実糖度を上昇させるゲノム編集技術.農耕と園芸.2022 冬号 20-23.

財津桂,高橋一誠,江口盛一郎,井口亮,白武勝裕(2022)簡便に・迅速に・誰にでも」使える分析手法:探針エレクトロスプレーイオン化タンデム質量分析(PESI/MS/MS)の食品分析への応用と展望.日本食品衛生学会雑誌.63 (2) J20

白武勝裕(2022)糖度が高いトマト品種を作るゲノム編集技術. JATAFFジャーナル Vol. 10 No. 3 38-42.

白武勝裕(2022)ゲノム編集により糖度が高いトマト品種を作る技術.施設と園芸 No. 196 32-34.

白武勝裕,財津桂財(2021)PESI/MS/MSの植物成分分析への活用.アグリバイオ.Vol 5(8) 74-77.

白武勝裕他(2020)緑の花の作出方法 ~緑色の花弁の作出と花の寿命延長を両立~.バイオテック東海 85号 90.

白武勝裕,財津桂財(2020)PESI/MS/MSの農作物品質成分分析への活用.アグリバイオ 4 (12) 94-97 .

白武勝裕,財津桂財(2020)簡便・迅速な新規質量分析技術 PESI/MS/MS.アグリバイオ 4 (9) 60-63.

白武勝裕(2020)ゲノム関連技術(DNAマーカー選抜育種とゲノミックセレクション,オミクス,遺伝子組換えとゲノム編集).野菜園芸学 第2版.pp. 267-277,金山喜則編,文永堂出版.

白武勝裕(2019)ゲノム編集で甘いトマトをつくる.現代科学 579, 34-37.

Martinoia E., Mimura T. Hara-Nishimura I. and Shiratake K. (2018) Editorial: The multifaceted roles of plant vacuoles. Plant Cell Physiol. 59: 1285–1287. (10.1093/pcp/pcy113)

白武勝裕(2018)ゲノム編集による作物育種.バイオテック東海 82号 8-13

白武勝裕(2016)果樹のオミクス研究の現状と問題点.果実日本 Vol.71 7月号 89-93.

Shiratake, K. and Suzuki, M. (2016) Omics studies of citrus, grape and rosaceae fruit trees. Breed. Sci. 66: 122-138. (10.1270/jsbbs.66.122)

白武勝裕(2013)枝変わり大果変異セイヨウナシの統合オミクス解析,果樹試験研究推進協議会会報 26: 23-25.

及川彰,白武勝裕(2012)果樹における遺伝子の機能解明 No. 8:大果枝変わり西洋ナシの統合オミクス解析,果実日本Vol67 5月号 107-111.

Shiratake, K. (2008) Sugar and polyol transporters in plants. In Plant Membrane And Vacuolar Transporters. Edited by Jaiwal, P. K., Singh R. P. and Dhankher, O. P. pp. 239-266, CAB International, Oxfordshire, UK.

Katsuhara, M., Hanba, Y. T., Shiratake, K. and Maeshima M. (2007) Expanding roles of plant aquaporins in plasma membranes and cell organelles. Funct. Plant Biol. 35: 1-14.

白武勝裕(2007)転流糖のローディングとアンローディング.園芸生理学.pp. 133-139,山木昭平編,文永堂出版.

白武勝裕(2007)液胞の生理機能.園芸生理学.pp. 150-155,山木昭平編,文永堂出版.

白武勝裕(2007)ポストゲノム研究とこれからの園芸学.園芸生理学.pp. 156-160,山木昭平編,文永堂出版.

Shiratake, K. (2007) Genetics of sucrose transport in plants. Genes, Genomes and Genomics. 1: 73-80.

Shiratake, K. and Martinoia, E. (2007) Transporters in fruit vacuole. Plant Biotechnol. 24: 127-133.

白武勝裕,佐塚隆志(2003)シロイヌナズナのゲノムからみた膜輸送系.植物細胞工学シリーズ18,植物の膜輸送システム –ポンプ・トランスポーター・チャネル研究の新展開– pp. 18-20.

白武勝裕(2003)シロイヌナズナの膜輸送系の分類と主な既知膜輸送系との対応.植物細胞工学シリーズ18,植物の膜輸送システム –ポンプ・トランスポーター・チャネル研究の新展開– pp. 216-223.


Inden T., Hoshino A., Otagaki S., Matsumoto S. and Shiratake K. (2023) Genome-wide analysis of aquaporins in Japanese morning glory (Ipomoea nil). Plants.17(7) (10.3390/plants12071511)

Ishibashi M., Kei Zaitsu K., Yoshikawa I., Otagaki S., Matsumoto S., Oikawa A. and Shiratake K. (2023) High-throughput analysis of anthocyanins in horticultural crops by probe electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (PESI/MS/MS). Hortic. Res. in press. (10.1093/hr/uhad039)

Komatsuzaki A., Hoshino A., Otagaki S., Matsumoto S. and Shiratake K. (2022) Genome-wide analysis of R2R3-MYB transcription factors in Japanese morning glory. PLoS ONE. 17: e0271012. (10.1371/journal.pone.0271012)

Kawaguchi K., Nakaune M., Ma J. F., Kojima M., Takebayashi Y., Sakakibara H., Otagaki S., Matsumoto S. and Shiratake K. (2022) Plant hormone and inorganic ion concentrations in the xylem exudate of grafted plants depend on the scion–rootstock combination. Plants. 11(19): 2594. (10.3390/plants11192594)

Zheng Q., Takei-Hoshi R., Okumura H., Ito M., Kawaguchi K., Otagaki S., Matsumoto S., Luo Z., Zhang Q. and Shiratake K. (2022) Genome editing of SlMYB3R3, a cell cycle transcription factor gene of tomato, induces elongated fruit shape. J. Exp. Bot.73: 7312–732. (10.1093/jxb/erac352)

Saito A.N., Maeda A.E., Takahara T.T., Matsuo H., Nishina M., Ono A., Shiratake K., Notaguchi M., Yanai T., Kinoshita T., Ota E., Fujimoto K. J., Yamaguchi J. and Nakamichi N. (2022) Structure–function study of a novel inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase C in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol.(10.1093/pcp/pcac127)

Watanabe M., Otagaki S., Matsumoto S. and Shiratake K, (2022) Genome-wide analysis of MATE (multidrug and toxic compound extruction) transporters in grape. Front. Plant Sci. 13: 892638. (10.3389/fpls.2022.892638)

Nemoto K., Niinae T., Goto F., Sugiyama N., Watanabe A., Shimizu M., Shiratake K. and Nishihara M. (2022) Calcium-dependent protein kinase 16 phosphorylates and activates the aquaporin PIP2;2 to regulate reversible flower opening in Gentiana scabra. Plant Cell. 34: 2652-2670. (10.1093/plcell/koac120)

Wang Q., Gong X., Xie Z., Qi K., Yuan K., Jiao Y., Qi Pan, Zhang S., Shiratake K. and Tao S. (2022) Cryptochrome-mediated blue-light signal contributes to lignin biosynthesis in stone cells in pear fruit. Plant Sci. 318, 111211 (10.1016/j.plantsci.2022.111).

Jiao Y., Gong X., Qi K., Xie Z., Wang Y., Yuan K., Pan Q., Zhang S., Shiratake K., Khanizadeh S. and Tao S. (2021) Transcriptome analysis provides new ideas for studying the regulation of glucose-induced lignin biosynthesis in pear calli. BMC Plant Biol. 22: 831. (10.1186/s12864-021-08161-5)
Kawaguchi K., Takei-Hoshi R., Yoshikawa I., Nishida K., Kobayashi M., Kusano M., Lu Y., Ariizumi T., Ezura H., Otagaki S., Matsumoto S. and Shiratake K. (2021) Functional disruption of cell wall invertase inhibitor by genome editing increases sugar content of tomato fruit without decrease fruit weight. Sci. Rep. 11: 21534 (10.1038/s41598-021-00966-4)

Tao S., Tao X.Y., Liu M., Yuan Y., Liu R., Qi K., Xie Z., Bao J., Zhang S. and Shiratake K. (2021) Transcriptome provides potential insights into how calcium affects the formation of stone cell in Pyrus. BMC Genomics 22: 831. (10.1186/s12864-021-08161-5)

Tao S., Xu J., Tao J., Xie Z., Gong X., Qi K., Jiao H., Li Q., Zhang S. and Shiratake K. (2021) PbCSE1 promotes lignification during stone cell development in pear (Pyrus bretschneideri). Sci. Rep. 11: 9450. (10.1038/s41598-021-88825-0)

Kawakatsu Y., Sawai Y., Kurotani K., Shiratake K. and Notaguchi M. (2020) An in vitro grafting method to quantify mechanical forces of adhering tissues. Plant Biotechnol 37: 1–8 (10.5511/plantbiotechnology.20.0925a)

Gong X., Bao J., Chen J., Qi K., Xie Z., Rui W., Hao G., Shiratake K., Khanizadeh S., Zhang S. and Tao S. (2020) Candidate proteins involved in the calyx abscission process of ‘Kuerlexiangli’ (Pyrus sinkiangensis Yu) identified by iTRAQ analysis. Acta Physiol Plant 42: 112 (10.1007/s11738-020-03097-x)

Tao S., Gong X., Qi K., Zhao L., Yuan Y., Xu J., Zhang Q., Chen J., Song X., Rui W., Shiratake K., Bao J., Khanizadeh S. and Zhang S. (2020) PbMC1a/1b of Pyrus bretschneideri regulates lignification during stone cell development in pear frui. Hortic Res 7: 59. (10.1038/s41438-020-0280-x).

Koembuoy K., Hasegawa S., Otagaki S., Takahashi H., Nagano S., Isobe S., Shiratake K. and Matsumoto S. (2020) RNA-seq analysis of meristem cells identifies the FaFT3 gene as a general floral inducer in cultivated strawberry. Hortic J 89: 138-146. (0.2503/hortj.UTD-126)

Taki M., SakamotoH., Harada R., Fukao F., Mori T., Nakabayashi R., Saito K. and Shiratake K. (2019) Proteome analysis to identify anthocyanin transporters in grape cells. Acta Hortic.1248: 479-485.

Shiratake K, Notaguchi, Makino H., Sawai Y. and Borghi L. (2019) Petunia PLEIOTROPIC DRUG RESISTANCE 1 is a strigolactone short-distance transporter with long-distance outcomes. Plant Cell Physiol. 60: 1722–1733. (10.1093/pcp/pcz065)

Azuma M., Oshima Y., Sakamoto S., Mitsuda N., Ohme-Takagi M., Otagaki S., Matsumoto S. and Shiratake K. (2018) Dissecting promoter of InMYB1 gene showing petal-specific expression. Plant Biotechnol. 35, 243–248. (10.5511/plantbiotechnology.18.0529a)

Amoako O.P., Geisler M., di Donato M., Pengchao H., Otagaki S., Matsumoto S. and Shiratake K. (2018) Tomato ATP-binding cassette transporter SlABCB4 is involved in auxin transport in the developing fruit. Plants. 7: 65 (10.3390/plants7030065)

Amoako O.P., Ayaka M., Suzuki M., Martinoia E., Reuscher S., Aoki K., Shibata D., Otagaki S., Matsumoto S. and Shiratake K. (2018) Genome-wide analysis of ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters in tomato. PLoS ONE. 13: e0200854. (10.1371/journal.pone.0200854)

Kobayashi T., Shiratake K. and Tabuchi T. (2018) Studies for absorption of formaldehyde by using foliage on wild tomato species. Hortic. J. 87: 214-221. (10.2503/hortj.OKD-070)

Sato H., Otagaki S., Ono Y., Shiratake K. and Matsumoto S. (2018) Up-regulation of MdMYB110a is responsible for ABA-mediated coloration of type 2 red-fleshed apples. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol. (10.1080/14620316.2018.1452638)

Sato H., Otagaki S., Saelai P., Kondo S., Shiratake K. and Matsumoto S. (2017) Varietal differences in phenolic compounds metabolism of type 2 red-fleshed apples. Sci. Hortic. 219: 1-9.

Koembuoy K., Nakajima R., Otagaki S., Kurokura T., Takahashi H., Nakazono M., Shiratake K. and Matsumoto S. (2017) Functional analyses of cultivated strawberry FT and TFL1 homologs. Acta Hortic. 1156: 95-102.

Yang S., Jiang y., Xu L., Shiratake K., Luo Z. and Zhang Q. (2016) Molecular cloning and functional characterization of DkMATE1 involved in proanthocyanidin precursor transport in persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) fruit. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 108: 241-250. (10.1016/j.plaphy.2016.07.016)

Suzuki M. and Shiratake K. (2016) Total RNA extraction from grape berry skin for quantitative reverse transcription PCR and microarray analysis. Bio-protocol. Vol 6, Iss 7: e1777.

Reuscher S., Fukao Y., Morimoto R., Otagaki S., Oikawa A., Isuzugawa K. and Shiratake K. (2016) Quantitative proteomics based reconstruction and identification of mtabolic pthways and membrane transport proteins related to sugar accumulation in feveloping fruits of pear (Pyrus Communis). Plant Cell Physiol. 57: 505–518. (10.1093/pcp/pcw004)

Azuma M., Mitsuda N., Goto K., Oshima Y., Ohme-Takagi M., Otagaki S., Matsumoto S. and Shiratake K. (2016) InMYB1 promoter functions petal-specifically by recognizing petaloid cell identity. Plant Cell Physiol. 57: 580–587. (10.1093/pcp/pcw017) * Highlighted Article

Axxxxx M., Yamaguchi M., Maejima T., Otagaki S., Shiratake K. and Matsumoto S. (2016) Apple cultivation and breeding in Afghanistan: S-RNase genotypes and search system for suitable cultivar combination. Int. J. Agron. Accepted.

Azuma M., Morimoto R., Hirose M., Morita Y., Hoshino A., Iida S., Oshima Y., Mitsuda N., Ohme-Takagi M. and Shiratake K. (2016) A petal-specific InMYB1 promoter from Japanese morning glory: a useful tool for molecular breeding of floricultural crops. Plant Biotechnol. J. 14: 354–363. (10.1111/pbi.12389).

Tsukaya H., Sawada Y., Oikawa A., Shiratake K., Isuzugawa K., Saito K. and Hirai-Yokota M (2015) Intraspecific comparative analyses of metabolites between diploid and tetraploid Arabidopsis thaliana and Pyrus communis. New Negat. Plant Sci. (10.1016/j.neps.2015.06.001).

Axxxxx M., Maejima T., Otagaki S, Shiratake K. and Matsumoto S. (2015) Efficient rooting system for apple ‘M.9.’ rootstock using rice seed coat and smocked rice seed coat. Int. J. Agron. 2015: 107906. (10.1155/2015/107906).

Suzuki M., Nakabayashi R., Mori T., Saito K. and Shiratake K. (2015) The metabolic profile of grape berry skin and a comparison of metabolomes before and after ripening. Plant Biotechnol. 32: 267-272. (10.5511/plantbiotechnology.15.0729b)

Oikawa A., Otsuka T., Nakabayashi R., Jikumaru Y., Isuzugawa K., Murayama H., Saito K. and Shiratake K. (2015) Metabolic profiling of developing pear fruits reveals dynamic variation in primary and secondary metabolites, including plant hormones. PLoS ONE. 10: e0131408. (10.1371/journal.pone.0131408)

Hanada T., Nashima K., Kato M., Takashina T., Ikeda K., Sakamoto S., Takahashi H., Nakazono M., Oikawa A., Shiratake K. and Isuzugawa K. (2015) Molecular cloning and expression analysis of the WEE1 and CCS52A in European pear (Pyrus communis L.) and their possible roles in a giant fruit mutant. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol. 90: 511–517.

Nakajima R., Otagaki S., Shiratake K. and Shogo Matsumoto (2015) Energy saving seedling production system for super-forcing cultivation of June-bearing commercial strawberry. HortScience. 50: 685–687.

Suzuki M., Nakabayashi R., Ogata Y., Sakurai N., Tokimatsu T., Goto S., Suzuki M., Jasinski M., Martinoia E., Otagaki S., Matsumoto S., Saito K. and Shiratake K. (2015) Multi omics in grape berry skin revealed specific induction of stilbene synthetic pathway by UV-C irradiation.
Plant Physiol. 168: 47-59.

Reuscher S., Isuzugawa K., Kawachi M., Oikawa A. and Shiratake K. (2014) Comprehensive element analysis of fruit flesh from European pear ‘La France’ and its giant fruit bud mutant indicates specific roles for B and Ca in fruit development. Sci. Hortic. 176: 255-260.

Suzuki M., Jasinski M., Martinoia M., Nakabayashi R., Suzuki M. and Shiratake K. (2014) Molecular cloning and characterization of ABCG/PDR-type ABC transporter in grape berry skin.
Adv. Hortic. Sci. 28: 53-63.

Nakajima R., Otagaki S., Yamada K., Shiratake K. and Matsumoto S. (2014) Molecular cloning and expression analyses of FaFT, FaTFL and FaAP1 genes in cultivated strawberry: their correlation to flower bud formation. Biol. Plant. 58: 641-648.

Reuscher S., Akiyama M., Yasuda T., Makino H., Aoki K., Shibata D. and Shiratake K. (2014) The sugar transporter inventory of tomato: Genome-wide identification and expression analysis. Plant Cell Physiol. 55: 1123-1141.
* Editor-in-Chief's Choice Articles

Nashima K., Terakami S., Nishitani C., Yamamoto T., Habu T., Takahashi H., Nakazono M., Isuzugawa K., Hanada T., Takashina T., Matsumoto S., Otagaki S., Mori H., Oikawa A. and Shiratake K. (2014) Transcriptome analysis an European pear (Pyrus communis L.) and its giant fruit sport using next-generation sequencing technology. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotech. 89: 293-300.

Reuscher S., Akiyama M., Mori C., Aoki K., Shibata D. and Shiratake K. (2013) Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of aquaporins in tomato. PLoS ONE. 82: 301-311.

Nashima K., Takahashi H., Nakazono M., Shimizu T., Nishitani C., Yamamoto T., Itai A., Isuzugawa K., Hanada T., Takashina T., Kato M., Matsumoto S., Oikawa A. and Shiratake K (2013) Transcriptome analysis of giant pear fruit with fruit-specific DNA reduplication on a mutant branch. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 82: 301-311.

Nashima K., Shimizu T., Nishitani C., Yamamoto T., Takahashi H., Nakazono M., Itai A., Isuzugawa K., Hanada T., Takashina T., Matsumoto S., Otagaki S., Oikawa A. and Shiratake K. (2013) Microarray analysis of gene expression patterns during fruit development in European pear (Pyrus communis). Sci. Hortic.164: 466–473.

Ito H., Ochiai, M., Kato, H., Shiratake, K., Takemoto, D., Otagaki, S. and Matsumoto S. (2012) Rose phytoene desaturase gene silencing by apple latent spherical virus vectors. HortScience 47: 1278-1282.

Mohammed, S. A., Nishio, S., Takahashi, H., Shiratake, K., Ikeda, H., Kanahama, K. and Kanayama, Y. (2012) Role of vacuolar H+-inorganic pyrophosphatase in tomato fruit development. J. Exp. Bot. 63: 5613-5621.

Hayashi, Y., Yamada, K., Shiratake, K. and Matsumoto, S. (2012) Structural characteristics of SLF/SFB-genes in apple cultivars with similar S-RNase sequences. Acta Hortic. 929: 267-274.

Matsumoto, S., Okada, K., Kojima, A., Shiratake, K. and Abe, K. (2011) S-RNase genotypes of apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) including new cultivars, lineages, and triploid progenies J. Hort. Sci. Biotechnol. 86: 654-660.

Oikawa, A., Otsuka, T., Jikumaru, Y., Yamaguchi, S., Matsuda, F., Nakabayashi, R., Takashina, T., Isuzugawa, K., Saito, K. and Shiratake K. (2011) Effects of freeze-drying of samples on metabolite levels in metabolome analyses. J. Separation Sci. 34: 3561–3567.

Umemura, H., Shiratake, K., Matsumoto, S., Maejima, T. and Komatsu, H. (2011) Practical breeding of red-fleshed apple: Cultivar combination for efficient red-fleshed progeny production. HortScience. 46:1098–1101.

Sekido K., Hayashi, Y., Yamada, K., Shiratake, K., Matsumoto, S., Maejima, T. and Komatsu, H. (2010) Efficient breeding system for red-fleshed apple based on linkage. HortScience. 45: 534-537.

Sekido K.,
Yamada, K., Shiratake, K., Fukui H. and Matsumoto, S. (2010) MdMYB alleles responsible for apple skin and flesh color. Curr. Topics Plant Biol. (Research Trends). 11: 17-21.

Matsumoto, S., Yamada, K., Shiratake, K.
, Okada, K. and Abe, K. (2010) Structural and functional analyses of two new S-RNase alleles, Ssi5 and Sad5, in apple. J. Hort. Sci. Biotechnol. 85:131–136.

Matsumoto, S., Yamada, K., Shiratake, K., Koketsu, T., Negishi, H., Taneda, A., Fukui, H. and Ueda Y. (2010) Gene flow via pollen spread from cultivated roses used as hosts of a transgenic rose to wild roses. Acta Hortic. 870: 175-182.

Matsumoto, S., Morita, J., Abe, K., Bessho, H., Yamada, K., Shiratake, K. and Fukui H. (2009) S-RNase genotypes of wild apples necessary for utilization as pollinizers. Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 50: 213~216.

Sutsawat, D., Yamada, K., Shiratake, K., Kanayama, Y. and Yamaki S. (2008) Properties of sorbitol dehydrogenase in strawberry fruit and enhancement of the activity by fructose and auxin. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 77: 318-323.

Yamada, K., Kojima, T., Bantog, A. B., Shimoda, T., Mori, H., Shiratake, K. and Yamaki, S. (2007) Cloning of two isoforms of soluble acid invertase of Japanese pear and their expression during fruit development. J. Plant Physiol. 164: 746-755..

Sutsawat, D., Yamada, K., Bantog, N. A. Shiratake, K., Kanayama, Y. and Yamaki, S. (2007) Presence and expression of NAD+-dependent sorbitol dehydrogenase and sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase genes in strawberry. J. Hort. Sci. Biotechnol. 82: 191-198.

Maeda, T., Mori, H., Shiratake, K., Yamada, K., Takeno K. and Yamaki, S. (2006) cDNA macroarray analysis of genes expressed in plumules of Pharbitis nil after induction of flowering. J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 81: 496-500.

Ymamada, K., Suzue, Y., Hatano, S., Tsukuda, M., Kanayama, Y., Shiratake, K. and Yamaki, S. (2006) Changes in the activity and gene expression of sorbitol- and sucrose-related enzymes associated with development of ‘La France’ pear fruit. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 75: 38-44.

Suzue, Y., Tsukuda, M., Hatano, S., Kanayama, Y., Ymamada, K., Shiratake, K. and Yamaki, S. (2006) Changes in the activity and gene expression of sorbitol- and sucrose-related enzymes with leaf development of ‘La France’ pear. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 75: 45-50.

Amemiya, T., Kanayama, Y., Yamaki, S., Yamada, K. and Shiratake, K. (2006) Fruit specific V-ATPase suppression in antisense-transgenic tomato reduced fruit development and its seed formation. Planta 223: 1272-1280.

Amemiya, T., Kawai, Y., Yamaki, S. and Shiratake, K. (2005) Enhancement of vacuolar H+-ATPase and H+-pyrophosphatase expression by phytohormones in pear fruit. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 74: 353-360.

Amemiya, T., Suzuki, Y., Yamaki, S. and Shiratake, K. (2005) Molecular cloning of vacuolar H+-ATPase A subunit paralogs and their expression in pear fruit. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 74: 258-260.

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