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Sep. 15, 2015
Abstract modification

!! Extended !!
Oct. 5, Early bird registration

Oct. 15, Late registration



Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan

Important Information

The detailed presentation program is now available.

Presentation instructions

Please check your presentation type on the latest presentation program and follow instructions.

Oral presentations:
Authors should use their own laptop computers in the presentation hall. Equipped projection device as well as a laser pointer will be provided.
Status of oral presentations:
G = general lecture (45 minutes including questions)
K = keynote (30 minutes including questions)
L = long (20 minutes including questions)
R = regular (15 minutes including questions)
Y = medium for YSF (12.5 minutes including questions)

Poster presentations:
Portrait Format A0 (= 841 mm width × 1189 mm height = 33.11 × 46.81 in)
Status of oral presentations:
S = short (5 minutes oral presentation + about 30 minutes poster session)
Posters will be presented orally before the poster session. Please bring the presentation files for short oral presentations in PDF file format in a USB stick before the session of your presentation. The laptop computer will be provided for smooth switching.

Special requests will be also possible. Please contact the registration office or pbm8(a)agr.nagoya-u.ac.jp.

Welcome to PBM 8th

On behalf of all the Japanese Plant Biomechanics community and of the International Board, Scientific and Organizing Committees, we are pleased to invite you to Nagoya (Japan) to join in the 8th Plant Biomechanics International Conference (PBM8) that is the first holding in Asia, as well as the 20-year anniversary meeting of PBM conferences. Nagoya is one of the largest city in Japan, close to Japan National Park (Japanese Alps, and Ise-Shima Sea Coast) and historic places (Kyoto, Nara, and Nagoya itself). You will enjoy the interactive overview over the research on plant biomechanics and mechanobiology from all over the world. We are really looking forward to meet you in Nagoya, Japan.

General chairs

Hiroyuki YAMAMOTO, Nagoya University
Miyo T MORITA, Nagoya University
Joseph GRIL, CNRS, Montpellier University II

Jointly hosted

The Japan Wood Research Society

Financial support


ES Hall, Engineering and Science Building, Nagoya University
Access to venue

Tourist Information