研究業績 Publications


原著論文 (Original article)

  1. 1.Takeshi Watanabe, Susumu Asakawa, Koichi Hayano 2020: Long-term submergence of non-methanogenic oxic upland field soils helps to develop the methanogenic archaeal community as revealed by pot and field experiments. Pedosphere 30, 62-72 (view abstract)

  2. 2.Koki Nakagawa, Jun Murase, Susumu Asakawa, Takeshi Watanabe 2020: Involvement of microaerophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria in the iron-oxidizing process at the surface layer of flooded paddy field soil. J. Soils Sediments 20, 4034-4041 (view abstract)

  3. 3.Takaaki Oshima, Yoko Shinohara, Susumu Asakawa, Jun Murase 2020: Susceptibility and resilience of the soil ciliate community to hight temperatures. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 66, 870-877 (view abstract)

  4. 4.Yu Maeda, Kazumori Mise, Wataru Iwasaki, Akira Watanabe, Susumu Asakawa, Rasit Asiloglu, Jun Murase 2020: Invention of artificial rice field soil: a tool to study the effect of soil components on the activity and community of microorganisms involved in anaerobic organic matter decomposition. Microbes Environ. 35, ME20093 (view abstract)

総説等 (Review article)

  1. 1.浅川 晋 2020:水田土壌生態系におけるメタンの生成・酸化に関わる微生物の生態に関する研究. 土肥誌,91,309-312 (J-STAGE link)

  2. 2.柴原藤善 2020:水田生態系における土壌微生物バイオマス窒素の動態解明と環境負荷低減技術の開発および琵琶湖流域における水質保全効果の定量的評価. 土肥誌,91,321-324 (J-STAGE link)


原著論文 (Original article)

  1. 1.山縣実奈・篠原陽子・前坂昌宏・横江和典・村瀬 潤・浅川 晋 2019: アガロースゲル電気泳動を用いたamoAのPCR増副産物検出による太陽熱消毒処理土壌中のアンモニア酸化細菌存在量の変動評価. 土と微生物, 73(1), 34-38.

  2. 2.Tatsushi Naruse, Yoshinori Ban, Tomofumi Yoshida, Takahiro Kato, Mari Namikawa, Tomoki Takahashi, Mizuhiko Nishida, Susumu Asakawa, Takeshi Watanabe 2019: Community structure of microaerophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria in Japanese paddy field soils. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 65, 460-470  (view abstract)


原著論文 (Original article)

  1. 1.Dongyan Liu, Mizuhiko Nishida, Tomoki Takahashi, Susumu Asakawa 2018: Transcription of mcrA gene decreases upon prolonged non-flooding period in a methanogenic archaeal community of a paddy-upland rotational field soil. Microb. Ecol. 75, 751-760. (view abstract)

  2. 2.Masahiro Mitsuboshi, Yuuzou Kioka, Katsunori Noguchi, Susumu Asakawa 2018: Evaluation of suppressiveness of soils exhibiting soil-born disease suppression after long-term application of organic amendments by the co-cultivation method of pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum and indigenous soil microorganisms. Microbes Environ. 33, 58-65. (view full text)

  3. 3.Kohei Yamashita, Hiroki Honjo, Makoto Shinohara, Susumu Asakawa 2018: Conversion factor (k factor) for estimation of soil microbial biomass potassium by the chloroform-fumigation extraction method. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 64, 465-468. (view full text)

  4. 4.Ashraf Khalifa, Yuta Nakasuji, Norikuni Saka, Hiroki Honjo, Susumu Asakawa, Takeshi Watanabe 2018: Ferrigenium kumadai gen. nov., sp. nov., a microaerophilic iron-oxidizing bacterium isolated from a paddy field soil. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 68, 2587-2592. (view abstract)

  5. 5.Anzu Suzuki, Mikako Ito, Tomonori Hamaguchi, Hiroshi Mori, Yuka Takeda, Ryuko Baba, Takeshi Watanabe, Ken Kurokawa, Susumu Asakawa, Masaaki Hirayama, Kinji Ohno 2018: Quantification of hydrogen production by intestinal bacteria that are specifically dysregulated in Parkinson’s disease. PLoS ONE 13, e0208313. (view full text)

著書等 (Book)

  1. 1.浅川 晋(分担執筆)2018:第4章 水田の土壌 3. 水田における物質循環、「土壌サイエンス入門 第2版」、木村眞人・南條正巳編著、p. 71 - 80、文永堂、東京

  2. 2.渡邉健史(分担執筆)2018:第4章 おもな研究手法、「実践土壌学シリーズ1 土壌微生物学」、豊田剛己編、p. 30 - 40、朝倉書店、東京

  3. 3.村瀬 潤(分担執筆)2018:第10章 水田微生物の特徴と生産性とのかかわり、「実践土壌学シリーズ1 土壌微生物学」、豊田剛己編、p. 110 - 128、朝倉書店、東京

  4. 4.浅川 晋(分担執筆)2018:コラム2 堆肥化過程の微生物、「実践土壌学シリーズ1 土壌微生物学」、豊田剛己編、p. 139 - 141、朝倉書店、東京

その他 (Others)

  1. 1.渡邉健史・豊田剛己・中山奈津子・大友 量・岡 紀邦・森 清文・橋本知義・門馬法明 2017:微生物の力をどう利用するかー現場への適用を目指してー. 土肥誌,89,260-265.


原著論文 (Original article)

  1. 1.Chol Gyu Lee, Takeshi Watanabe, Susumu Asakawa 2017: Bacterial community incorporating carbon derived from plant residue in an anoxic non-rhizosphere soil estimated by DNA-SIP analysis. J. Soils. Sediments. 17, 1084-1091. (view abstract)

  2. 2.Ryuko Baba, Susumu Asakawa, Takeshi Watanabe 2017: Transcription of [FeFe]-hydrogenase genes during H2 production in Clostridium and Desulfovibrio spp. isolated from a paddy field soil. Microbes Environ. 32, 125-132. (view full text)

  3. 3.Rasit Asiloglu, Jun Murase 2017: Microhabitat segregation of heterotrophic protists in the rice (Oryza sativa L.) rhizosphere. Rhizosphere 4, 82-88. (view abstract)

  4. 4.Mina Yamagata, Yoko Shinohara, Masahiro Maesaka, Jun Murase, Susumu Asakawa (2017) Fluctuations in the abundance of ammonia oxidizers and the contents of inorganic nitrogen in solarized soil. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 63, 434-440. (view abstract)

著書等 (Book)

  1. 1.村瀬 潤(分担執筆)2017:太陽熱消毒が土壌繊毛虫群集に及ぼす影響、「最新農業技術 土壌施肥 vol. 9」、農文協編、p. 101-105、農村漁村文化協会、東京

  2. 2.浅川 晋(分担執筆)2017:第2章 アーキアの生態と進化 2.2 メタン生成アーキア、「アーキア生物学」、日本Archaea研究会監修、石野良純・跡見晴幸編著、p. 23 - 27、共立出版、東京

その他 (Others)

  1. 1.浅川 晋・山下昴平 2017:植物へのカリウム供給源としての土壌微生物バイオマスー土壌微生物は窒素やリンだけでなくカリウムも抱え込んでいる. 化学と生物,55,444-445. (概要)

  2. 2.Jun Murase 2017: Quest of soil protists in a new era. Microbes Environ. 32, 99-102. (view full text)


原著論文 (Original article)

  1. 1.Cècile Harmonie Otoidobiga, Adama Sawadogo, Yapi Sinarè, Ibrahima Ouèdraogo, Prosper Zombrè, Susumu Asakawa, Alfred S. Traore, Dayèri Dianou 2016: Effect of fertilization on the dynamics and activity of iron-reducing bacterial populations in a west African rice paddy soil planted with two rice varieties: case study of Kou Valley in Burkina Faso. J. Environ. Prot. 7, 1119-1131. (view full text)

  2. 2.Yuriko Takenouchi, Kazufumi Iwasaki, Jun Murase 2016: Response of the protistan community of a rice field soil to different oxygen tensions. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 92, fiw104 (view abstract).

  3. 3.Ryuko Baba, Susumu Asakawa, Takeshi Watanabe 2016: H2-producing bacterial community during rice straw decomposition in paddy field soil: estimation by an analysis of [FeFe]-hydrogenase gene transcripts. Microbes Environ., 31, 226-233. (view full text)

  4. 4.Masahiro Mitsuboshi, Yuuzou Kioka, Katsunori Noguchi, Susumu Asakawa 2016: An evaluation method for the suppression of pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum by soil microorganisms using the dilution plate technique. Microbes Environ., 31, 307-313 (Author’s correction [2017] 32, 184). (view full text)

  5. 5.Dongyan Liu, Kanako Tago, Masahito Hayatsu, Takeshi Tokida, Hidemitsu Sakai, Hirofumi Nakamura, Yasuhiro Usui, Toshihiro Hasegawa, Susumu Asakawa 2016: Effect of elevated CO2 concentration, elevated temperature and no nitrogen fertilization on methanogenic archaeal and methane-oxidizing bacterial community structures in paddy soil. Microbes Environ., 31, 349-356. (view full text)

  6. 6.Cécile Harmonie Otoidobiga, Honoré Kam, Adama Bagayogo, Aboubacar Savadogo, Joseph B. Sawadogo, Sayouba Sawadogo, Adama Sawadogo, Yapi Sinaré, Ibrahima Ouédraogo, Prosper Zombré, Susumu Asakawa, Alfred S. Traoré, Dayéri Dianou 2016: Effect of combined application of subsurface drainage and mineral fertilization on iron-reducing bacterial populations’ developments and Fe2+ uptake by two rice varieties in an iron toxic paddy soil of Burkina Faso (west Africa). Agricultural Sciences, 7, 783-804. (view full text)

  7. 7.Rasit Asiloglu, Jun Murase 2016: Active community structure of microeukaryotes in a rice (Oryza sativa L.) rhizosphere revealed by RNA-based PCR-DGGE. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 62, 440-446. (view abstract)

総説等 (Review article)

  1. 1.浅川晋・末國千佳・劉冬艶・秋田和則・宇野 亨・田島亮介・伊藤豊彰・齋藤雅典 2016冬期湛水が水田の土壌微生物群集に及ぼす影響、農業および園芸, 91(1), 129-139.

  2. 2.Pete Smith, Joanna I. House, Mercedes Bustamante, Jaroslava Sobocká, Richard Harper, Genxing Pan, Paul C. West, Joanna M. Clark, Tapan Adhya, Cornelia Rumpel, Keith Paustian, Peter Kuikman, M. Francesca Cotrufo, Jane A. Elliott, Richard McDowell, Robert I. Griffiths, Susumu Asakawa, Alberte Bondeau, Atul K. Jain, Jeroen Meersmans and Thomas A. M. Pugh 2016: Global change pressures on soils from land use and management. Global Change Biol., 22, 1008–1028. (view abstract)

著書等 (Book)

  1. 1.浅川 晋(分担執筆)2016:第4章 微生物の生態および生理 1.微生物の生態 3)生物圏の微生物生態 (2)植物と微生物、「応用微生物学 第3版」、横田篤、大西康夫、小川順編、p. 69-71、文永堂、東京

その他 (Others)

  1. 1.谷山一郎・浅川 晋・奈良吉則・程 為国・齋藤雅典・陽 捷行 2016:土壌と東西の神々. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌,87,147-152.