NBRP ナショナルバイオリソース ニワトリ・ウズラ


Avian Bioscience Research Center
Nagoya Univ. Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences

About project


Chicken and quail are important model organisms in life sciences, which bridge the evolutionary gap between mammals and other vertebrates and serves as the main laboratory models for the ~ 9,600 extant avian species. Avian Bioscience Research Center (ABRC), Nagoya University, contributes to advancement of avian science research as the core facility of avian resources under National BioResource Project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.

The ABRC develops the stable system to maintain, preserve and distribute avian resources as chicken and quail. We also collect novel avian resources, develop them to the resources of high global standard under strict genetic control and distribute them to the community of scientists. Furthermore, we construct the database of avian resources and enhance the database by adding science-based information obtained using the resources, which is widely open to the public via the homepage.

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