

日本産カギカズラ(Uncaria rhynchophylla)クローンにおける薬効成分アルカロイドおよびその他有用成分の組織部位による含有量の違い、山本有菜、原規公、谷口亨(森林総研)、今井貴規
Accepted 2022

Radial distribution of monomeric, dimeric and trimeric norlignans and their polymerization in Cryptomeria japonica heartwood. Yuri Shimizu, T. Iki, Takanori Imai, Holzforschung, 71, 705-712(2017).

Agatharesinol biosynthesis-related changes of ray parenchyma in sapwood sticks of Cryptomeria japonica during cell death. Satoshi Nakaba et al., Planta, 243, 1225-1236 (2016).

61、297-307(2015). (日本木材学会論文賞)

Isolation and structural elucidation of norlignan polymers from the heartwood of Cryptomeria japonica. Yu Yanase, Kazuyuki Sakamoto, Takanori Imai, Holzforschung, 69, 281-296 (2015).

The accumulation pattern of ferruginol in the heartwood-forming Cryptomeria japonica xylem as determined by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and quantity analysis. K. Kuroda et al., Annals of Botany, 113, 1029-1036 (2014).

TOF-SIMSを用いたヒノキ古材の心材と辺材における無機成分の検出、齋藤香織、光谷拓実、松下泰幸、今井貴規、福島和彦、木材学会誌59、353-360 (2013).

The cryo-TOF-SIMS/SEM system for the analysis of the chemical distribution in freeze-fixed Cryptomeria japonica wood. Katsushi Kuroda et al., Surface and Interface Analysis, 45, 215-219 (2013).

未利用森林資源から抽出された日本産精油の成分分析、稲本 正、今井貴規、日本アロマテラピー学会誌11、7-13 (2012). (招待論文)

心材形成の化学、今井貴規、木材学会誌58、11-22 (2012). (招待論文)

Direct mapping of morphological distribution of syringyl and guaiacyl lignin in the xylem of maple by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. Kaori Saito et al., The Plant Journal, 69, 549-552 (2011).

Clonal variation in heartwood norlignans of Cryptomeria japonica: evidence for independent control of agatharesinol and sequirin C biosynthesis. Nobumasa. Bito et al., Annals of Forest Science, 68, 1049-1056 (2011).

In vitro hydroxylation of a norlignan: from agatharesinol to sequirin C and metasequirin C with a microsomal preparation from Cryptomeria japonica. Takanori Imai et al., Phytochemistry Letters, 2, 196-200 (2009).

Heartwood extractives from the Amazonian trees Dipteryx odorata, Hymenaea courbaril, and Astronium lecointei and their antioxidant activities. Takanori Imai et al., Journal of Wood Science, 54, 471-475 (2008).

Discriminating the indistinguishable sapwood from heartwood in discolored ancient wood by direct molecular mapping of specific extractives using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. Kaori Saito et al., Analytical Chemistry, 80, 1552-1557 (2008).

Application of ToF-SIMS to the study on heartwood formation in Cryptomeria japonica trees. Katsushi Kuroda et al., Applied Surface Science, 255, 1143-1147(2008).

Hinokiresinol is not a precursor of agatharesinol in the norlignan biosynthetic pathway in Japanese cedar. Takanori Imai et al., Journal of Plant Physiology, 163, 1221-1228 (2006).

Evidence for involvement of the phenylpropanoid pathway in the biosynthesis of the norlignan agatharesinol. Takanori Imai et al., Journal of Plant Physiology, 163, 483-487 (2006).

Localization of ferruginol, a diterpene phenol, in Cryptomeria japonica heartwood by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry.Takanori Imai et al., Planta, 221, 549-556 (2005).

Biochemical studies of matured xylem of Cryptomeria japonica: Attempts to detect the enzymes involved in the biosyntheses of the heartwood extractives. Takanori Imai, Eriko Ito, Kazuhiko Fukushima, Nagoya University Forest Science, 24, 1-6 (2005).

Characterization of physiological functions of sapwood VI; Formation and accumulation of lignans in sapwood of Cryptomeria japonica after felling. Takanori Imai et al., Holzforschung, 59, 418-421 (2005).
