後藤メモリアルレクチャー (1992 - 2000)
1992 " The Invention of Chemical Reactions "
Professor Sir Derek H. R. Barton ( Texas A & M University )
1993 " Why Pentose- and not Hexose-Nucleic Acids? "
Professor Dr, A, Eschnmoser (ETH)
1994 " Recent Studies in Enantioselective Synthesis "
Professor Elias J. Corey ( Harvard University )
1995 " The A to AB to ABC route to Taxol . Problems and Progress"
Professor Gilbert Stork ( Columbia University )
1997 " Perspective in Supramolecular Chemistry "
Professor Jean-Marie LEHN ( the Universite Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg and the College de France in Paris )
2000 " Recent Studies in the Field of Natural Products Chemistry "
Professor Yoshito Kishi ( Harvard University )